Friday, March 21, 2008


St. Patrick used a shamrock to teach about the Trinity: "three divine persons in the one God". I love that! These shamrocks were given to us by a dear woman we met named Teressa. They have thrived beyond our wildest hopes and might be transplanted into my window box after the thaw. They also proved to be a patient model. How shines a good deed in a weary world!


Tace said...

Lovely shamrocks. We inspected some pretty green plant yesterday as we walked our trash down to the *curb*. We jammed our faces in nice and close but pronounced the plants NOT shamrocks. Darn... Your shamrocks look like they're thriving..though I just realized with your artist's interpretation and beauty being in the eye of the beholder you could have one itsy bitsy stalk of semi green something and your drawing could still turn out like it did. haha Thanks for sharing!

Pascal Kirchmair said...

Your watercolors are always a feast for the eyes!