Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hagar's Helmet FOUND!

We found my helmet! Since we moved here, it's been an Easter Egg hunt looking for all our stuff in the hundreds of boxes that travelled west with us. Well, today Carroll found my helmet that I wear (occasionally) for public appearances. I am going to wear it when I speak at a school near here in March, but then I am going to not book any new appearances until after my birthday in the summer. I'm getting inundated with requests, which is nice, but I just can't do them all! Best, Chris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first heard you were moving to Sioux Falls, I was dubious. I wasn't sure there was room for more Haggars. I always wondered why the name was misspelled, but then remembered he was scandinavian. Anyway, I have since come to terms with you being here. So, welcome to South Dakota!
P.S. Love your art!

Don Haggar